Why I never use these words and you should do the same!


To succeed you have to believe in something with such a passion that it becomes a reality.

Anita Roddick


Your inner dialogue: have you ever been in the situation where you said to yourself; this is difficult, I’m tired, I can’t, I will never, this is impossible… What happen once you say those words to yourself? Do you feel better? Everyone will admit saying these things to yourself won’t make you feel better or stronger at all! Of course everyone have his bad periods, so you can have those moments, but don’t stick into the negative moments. Keep your positive vibe alive, will definitely contribute to a positive self-image and better results. You’re the only person who knows yourself best and therefore you need to inspire yourself to achieve the best, to be your best!



How does that work? Can I really achieve more by saying positive things to myself? And avoid the negative things? Yes! Muhammad Ali is a great example, as well as Dame Anita Roddick. They knew precisely how it works; positive thinking, visualization and learn to enjoy the pain.


 Impossible is just a big word thrown around by small men who find it easier to live in the world they’ve been given than explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact. It’s an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration. It’s a dare. Impossible is potential. Impossible is temporary. Impossible is nothing.


— Muhammed Ali –


We can train our muscles to become stronger, we can train many things even our brains! With training our brains I’m referring to mental brain training! We can learn to change our thoughts, habits and feelings. Experiments have shown that ACTS become a habit once you repeat them. In other words, if you want to set your expectations appropriately, the truth is that it will probably take you anywhere from 2 months to 8 months to build a new behavior into your life.


Brain trainer


I have built a (and still building) new habit in my life as well; waking up at 5 am every morning. Of course the little voice in ourselves says: that’s too early, I will be so tired, just snooze the alarm and stay in your lovely soft bed for a few more minutes (read 60 min). The funny thing is that by snoozing your alarm it doesn’t let you rest better or longer. Thinking of being tired makes you even feeling more tired! I have just set my alarm with a motivated song and sometimes I switch to a different ringtone (I have to confess I always build in some additional alarms just to be sure). Once the alarm goes off just abandon the negative thoughts and switch immediately to the positive thoughts.


What a beautiful day! I’m looking forward to i.a:

  • My first cup of coffee
  • Meeting my friend
  • Going out for a dinner
  • Sport exercise
  • The Business meeting
  • Day with my family/kids
  • Or anything else you can think of that makes you smile/happy


It’s remarkable to see how fast your brain will automatically adapt those thoughts, next time when you will hear the alarm you brain will think of something positive instead of the negative. It really works.


Remember: you are perfect just the way you are! Making a mistake once or twice is needed, but the measurable impact is on how you react on mistakes/ failures. This is why you should treat failure like a scientist, give yourself permission to make mistakes and develop strategies for getting back on track quickly.


I challenge you to start with 1 new habit by today: it could be waking up at 5am, drinking 1 liter of water extra per day, reading at least 1 page of a book, start running with 15 min a day, spending more free time with your kids/ mother/ father/ family/ friends, start learning a new language with 5 words a day etc. Make it SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Results-focused and Time-bound) and give it the time to let this new habit come into your life. You will be stunned about the results and feeling so much better about yourself. Who doesn’t like, to give compliments, but now to yourself:) Remember it will probably take you anywhere from 2 months to 8 months to build a new behavior into your life. It’s that easy! Look into the mirror and say to yourself yes I did it, I’m strong and this will be a beautiful day! Feel confidence, energized, proud and show your smile!


What will your new behavior be? What do you want to become? I’m curious to hear yours…


Love, Marietta

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