It’s time to update how you define yourself

2020 is coming.. It’s that time of the year, where everyone is looking back at their last year and the upcoming year. What are your new goals for the year? What do you want to improve? Are you still on the right path? Most of us setting nice goals but around 90% fails achieving them. So let’s stick with the 10% and just integrate these goals in your life. Are you with me? Lets create a MAGNIFICENT new year, 2020, by starting NOW!

One of the books I read recently is from Marie Forleo! She is a great achiever and her last book: Everything is figureoutable will help us to be the best version of ourselves.

Our beliefs can be self-limiting or self-empowering.


Despite what some self-help guides would have us believe, no amount of positive thinking can make our difficulties magically disappear. Negative thinking can make our problems seem unsolvable, which can lead us to self-defeating passivity. As clichéd as it might sound, we really do need to believe in ourselves and our ability to overcome our challenges if we want to achieve anything. After all, why would we attempt to accomplish something if we didn’t think it was possible for us to accomplish it? By telling ourselves it can’t be done, we’re essentially giving up before we’ve even tried. Stop with a vicious circle and our self-limiting beliefs about our abilities.Conversely, if we believe we can do something, we’ll be more motivated to try to do it. And if we try to do it, we’ll probably make at least some progress with accomplishing it.

The same arguments apply to our beliefs about the external world as well. These can also be either self-limiting or self-empowering. For example, whether or not you believe it’s possible for you to get a promotion will play a large role in whether or not you’ll put in the work to get one. For better or worse, our beliefs end up becoming self-fulfilling prophecies.


The belief that “everything is figureoutable” is a powerful weapon against our self-limiting beliefs. This is the ultimate self-empowering belief, and it provides a universal antidote to all of our self-limiting beliefs. By adopting the belief that “everything is figureoutable,” you can immediately dismiss any self-limiting belief as it arises and replace it with the core premise of the opposite belief: this or that problem is solvable. You might not know what the solution is, but you’re assuming that one exists from the offset. Your task then becomes figuring it out and implementing it.

Fear is not our enemy; we don’t have to let it hold us back, and we can even use it to our advantage.


Whether it’s starting a business or learning to ride a motorcycle, there comes a point with any new endeavor where we need to put ourselves out there and take a plunge into uncharted waters. That’s an inherently scary thing to do, so it’s perfectly normal to feel fear in the face of it. But we don’t have to let that fear control us. In fact, instead of allowing it to hold us back, we can even harness it to impel us forward. It all depends on how we interpret the emotion. Consider the physical sensations of fear: a faster heartbeat, sweaty hands, a pit in your stomach and so forth. When we allow fear to inhibit us, we interpret these sensations as signals telling us, “No! Don’t do it!” But we can also interpret them in the opposite way. For example, Bruce Springsteen feels all of those same sensations before he goes on stage to perform, but he interprets them as meaning that he’s “excited, pumped up and ready to go.” Fear and excited have actually the same vibrations, so just trick your mind and say: I am soooo excited:)

Here’s another way of reinterpreting your fear: if you feel afraid about doing something, it’s often a sign that the task is important to you. This is especially true of dreams your mind keeps coming back to over and over again, like writing a book, running for political office or moving to a new city. If you didn’t care about it so much, you probably wouldn’t feel like there was much at stake with it, so the idea of it wouldn’t fill you with fear. With that in mind, you can reinterpret your fear as a compass pointing in the direction of what you really want in life – a pretty useful tool to have!

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A good reminder ?? as we kick off another week. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Spending too much time trying to “defeat” or “eliminate” your fear will only keep you stuck. Don’t get seduced into thinking some magical day will arrive when you no longer feel afraid and *then* you’ll be ready to act. That’s not how it works.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ✔Action is the antidote to fear. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ✔Action metabolizes it. The fastest way out of our fear is through it. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Tag at least two of your favorite people and remind them how strong they are! ?‍♀️?⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ #everythingisfigureoutable #marieforleo #mondaymotivation #girlbosses #createcultivate #womeninspiringwomen #EIFbook #noexcuses #inspiration #dreambig #booksofinstagram #writersofinstagram #womenwhowrite #motivationmonday

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Either way, the key is to stop thinking about your fear as an enemy that you have to defeat or escape before you can do the thing that provokes it. Your fear is never going to go away, so if you keep waiting for it to vanish before you pursue your dreams, you’ll be stuck at the starting line forever. There’s only one way to outmaneuver it, and that’s to move straight through it by taking action in spite of it.

Whenever we have an important decision to make, it’s all too easy to find reasons to doubt ourselves and hesitate. The result: indecision – one of the biggest obstacles in the way of achieving our goals.


We can waste an incredible amount of time and energy just wondering, “Can I do this? Should I do this?” Now, that’s not to say we shouldn’t think, plan or do our research before we decide to pursue a goal. If your business plan is half-baked, you want to know that before you invest in it. But you’ll never get anywhere sitting on the fence, and ultimately, there’s only one way to test out an idea and find out whether it’s a winner for sure: taking action.

Part of the reason we let indecisiveness get the best of us is that we think we need to achieve clarity before we can act, but the reality is the other way around: we gain clarity by acting. Thinking alone will never get us there. Another trap we get ourselves in is that we think we have to make a big decision right away in order to pursue one of our dreams.

For instance, if you keep wavering about whether to move to a new country, you could just visit it to see what it feels like to be there. If you find yourself wondering whether you should try a new thing, just go out and do it. You don’t have to immediately go big or go home, once and for all. You just have to do something that takes you one step closer to gaining clarity and making a decision one way or the other.

Stop waiting to be “ready” to pursue your dreams; the time to act is now. 


You want to be ready before you pursue something, right? But here’s the problem: if by being “ready” you mean being 100 percent prepared with all of the skills, knowledge, confidence and motivation you need to succeed, well, you’ll never be ready in that sense. That’s because the only way to acquire those ingredients of success is by engaging in the task at hand. After all, we master skills by practicing them. We obtain knowledge by gaining experience. We build our confidence by seeing results. We boost our motivation by feeling the empowerment and benefits that come with action.For example, consider the motivational aspect of exercise. If you wait until you’re fully motivated to start a workout routine, you’ll probably never get off the couch. But once you get moving, you’ll start feeling more and more energized, and your inertia will turn into momentum. Pretty soon, you might even start craving your next trip to the gym!

Notice what’s happening here: doing something creates the desire to do it – not the other way around. Paradoxical as it might seem, the only way to become ready to do something is to start before you’re ready.


So get going – not some day in the distant, hypothetical future when you’re “ready,” but right here, right now! No, seriously. When you’re done with this Blog, do something – anything – to take yourself one step closer to one of your goals. To keep yourself focused, choose just one goal to tackle for now – whichever one feels the most important. Identify a small, manageable and concrete first step to take. And then take it. It could be as simple as signing up for a class or making a phone call to a potential mentor. The goal is just to get the ball rolling.

Remember: Rome wasn’t built in a day, and the only way to win a race is by taking one step after another. But you’ll never get anywhere if you don’t take the first step. So stop just standing around at the starting gate, and take that first step today. Your dreams are waiting for you at the finish line.

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follow @visit__rome & #visitrome_ for more content♥️ follow and tag us for a chance to be featured ?? ?Colosseo #repost @xtravagant_xquisite_xplorer ・・・ The Roman Colosseum, originally known as the Flavian Amphitheatre, was commisioned in AD 72 by Emperor Vespasian. It was completed by his son, Titus, in 80, with later improvements by Domitian. The Colosseum is located just east of the Roman Forum and was built to a practical design, with its 80 arched entrances allowing easy access to 55,000 spectators, who were seated according to rank. The colosseum is huge, an ellipse 188m long and 156 wide. Originally 240 masts were attached to stone corbels on the 4th level.??? #YAFotography

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Are you ready? What are your goals? Just start with them NOW and think about it daily and let’s be ready!

If you need an extra kick in the pants to get going with the pursuit of your dreams, remind yourself of this. There’s only one person on Earth with your exact combination of values, desires, skills, capabilities, knowledge, background, perspective and personal traits: you. The unique blend of qualities and potential that you bring to the table are a gift that you should be giving to the world. If you’re not making the most of them, you’re essentially withholding that gift from other people. It’s not just your dreams at stake; there’s the higher purpose that your realization of them could and should be serving.

Love, Marietta

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