How Tough is to Cross-Sell? Can Machine Learning Help?

Cross-selling is a sales technique where a salesperson tries to sell a related product or service to a customer who is already interested in buying something. The goal is to offer additional products or services that complement or enhance the initial product or service being considered, and increase the overall value of the sale. For instance, a salesperson might try to sell a sound system or extended warranty to a customer interested in buying a television, or a package with tickets to local attractions and a meal at a hotel restaurant to a customer booking a hotel room. Cross-selling can be an effective way for businesses to increase revenue and customer satisfaction, but it’s essential that salespeople use these techniques ethically and don’t pressure customers into buying products or services they don’t want or need.

Watch  the story unfold below and get actual insights on challenges industries are facing when they cross-sell, why they fail and what can help to improve customer satisfaction and increase sales revenues.

Mariëtta Robbé Groskamp is hosting the discussion, while Velti’s team is sharing their hands-on experience on best Cross-selling practices and how you can maximize the response rate.

Our special guests from T-Mobile Netherlands, Mr. Stan Waaijer, Marketing Manager at T-Mobile Netherlands and Ms. Lucia Riscado Cordas, Audience Insight Specialist at T-Mobile Netherlands, will elaborate more on how important is to cross-sell and what role did Velti play on increasing their business KPIs.

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